Neighbourhood Plan
Longstock Neighbourhood Plan – Your Village, Your Vision
Neighbourhood planning allows communities to formally come together (through a parish council or neighbourhood forum) to have a say on the future development of the place in which they live and/or work.
Plans are developed using a legal framework. The framework requires suggested proposals to go through a formal consultation process with residents and an independent examiner before it is approved via a local referendum. If the plan is successfully adopted it becomes part of the statutory development plan for the local area, meaning it will be used to make future planning decisions within the area of designation.
On 12 August 2019, Longstock Parish Council voted to support the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish.
In order to administer the plan, the Parish Council brought together a steering committee of local residents from each corner of the village. In the coming weeks and months, the steering committee will be gathering your views and opinions on a subject which you are exceptionally qualified to answer – the place in which you live! Perhaps you have a favourite green space that you would like to protect, a view which you feel is important or you’d like influence the character of new buildings in the village? As these are all issues dealt with by a Neighbourhood Plan.
If you'd like to find out more or get the latest information on the development of the Longstock plan then please click through to the website:
Or see the sub page of Neighbourhood plan "Steering group minutes" in the menu bar, or click on this link:
Longstock NHP Steering Committee